Telco- Overall NPS Survey

Overall, how do you feel about your experience with Telco as your service provider, 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent ?

If other, please specify:

How would you rate Telco equipment for ease of understanding and use?

If other, please specify:

How do you rate your Telco connection for speed ?

If other, please specify:

How do you rate your Telco connection for reliability, 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent ?

If other, please specify:

Ability to “go through” on the help desk phones or be attended to in person throughout the day or at night, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being very poorer and 10 being excellent

If other, please specify:

Speed of answering phones when you do go through, 1 being very poorer and 10 being excellent.

Knowledge,expertise and interest displayed in understanding and resolving your problem, 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent

Friendliness, 1 being unfriendly and 10 being as friendly as I expected

Professionalism, 1 being unprofessional and 10 being as professional as I expected

When solving your problem, how would you rate the information provided, 1 being extremely difficult to understand and 10 being extremely well presented and understandable

When we you have called- have your problems been solved on the call?

If other, please specify:

If you needed to contact Telco's technical support again and were given the option to speak with this particular representative, would you?

If other, please specify:

When you have made requests outside the normal has Telco been forthcoming with a solution, 1 is not all and 10 is very forthcoming

If other, please specify:

If no, why not?

If other, please specify:

If your answer to the previous question was no, why?

If other, please specify:

How do you rate the accuracy and timeliness of our invoices and billings on a scale of 1 for very poorer and 10 for excellent

If other, please specify:

Friendliness, 1 being unfriendly and 10 being as friendly as I expected

If other, please specify:

Professionalism,expertise, speed in resolving your billing issues, 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent

If other, please specify:

Technical support compared to that provided by other companies, would you say that, overall, Telco's technical support i

If other, please specify: